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Showing posts from November, 2014

Gray's Project supports Susan Russo- look how she is giving back to her community

Please vote for Susan Russo to win the Curvy Idol competition!!!! I just want to take a few minutes to talk about why we are doing the Curvy Idol competition. All of the proceeds raised for Curvy Idol are going to send girls to camp. Not just any girl; not just any camp. We want to send girls who battle with weight and self-image issues to a camp where they will learn to respect and love themselves and not succumb to the bullying comments that we all remember h earing in the halls at school. Remember those voices? Maybe someone made up a nasty name about you. Maybe someone picked on you because you were too fat, too skinny, had no chest, had a big butt, had greasy hair, had bad teeth. Maybe you were bullied for being different. Or maybe YOU were the bully. Kids can be cruel. We're going to help girls who deal with this every day. We're out to stop the hate. Make sure that these girls know that they are loved